Hi, I’m Mariah.
I’m the creator of Sacred Expansion Wellness, LLC.
I am a multifaceted, creative who has fully stepped into my practice after being an educator for over 18 years. I’ve been broadening, expanding and cultivating my potential. I am continuously educating myself, learning different modalities to incorporate into my practice, and working on my own expansion. I am forever a student.
I’m Mestiza, a mixed-indigenous person, an intuitive, and a gifted ancestral medicine keeper. I am deeply rooted in my indigenous (Mexica and Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo) ways and medicines. I am a practitioner of curanderisimo, ancestral folk medicine. I incorporate herbalism, alchemy, touch therapy, energy work, limpias, smoke medicine, house blessings, ventozas and much, much more into my practice.
I’m a full-spectrum doula, in which my work includes: Pre-natal, with an emphasis on specialized postpartum care, abortion and miscarriage support, transition of life, fetal demise and death rites. Trans birthing bodies are heavily supported in my work as well. I have begun to navigate away from birthing work but, am available for postpartum ceremony and support and the other spectrums of this important work.
I have been trained in many modalities with revered medicine keepers, curanderas, elders, mystics and ritual keepers. I completed a year long apprenticeship with the Serpent and the Veil Mystery School (Nov. 2021), so that I can incorporate Celtic medicine into my practice. I have been called to go to "the other mother land" to learn these medicine ways so that I can help people of European descent remember their own indigenous practices and medicine ways so that they stop appropriating and commodifying indigenous to the Americas, medicine ways.
I am certifying to offer 5NP (5 Needle Protocol) acupuncture. This modality is known to help with addiction cravings, anxiety, stress, and a plethora of other issues. This is a revolutionary practice that benefits our communities.
In 2024, I will begin the Sacred Expansion Mentorship. It is a year-long commitment intentionally cultivated to help others who are trying to get some sort of semblance, guidance and direction on their spiritual path and journey. It is an opportunity to learn to connect with the ancestors, guides. and delve into our healing practices. We will meet once a month in-person or online (there will be a hybrid option available).
I’m always ready to stand in my power and to be of service to my communities and humanity.
I’m also a professional photographer whose many works have been published in syndicates, magazines, on-line articles and have been shown in galleries.
I am multi-faceted with a plethora of tools in my medicine bag. I have many offerings and use them when called to do so.